***************************************************************************************************** The two input files for the mcf project are as follows. ***************************************************************************************************** 1- Two-points nets: [gridsize]_[number of nets].mcf 1st line: Each subsequent line is one net. The numbers in parenthesis () are coordinates of the points (cells) in that net. The first node in each net is the source node. For e.g. 10_30.mcf The grid size is 10x10 and there are 30 nets to be routed. The edge routing capacity is 3. The first point in each net is the source node for that net. ***************************************************************************************************** 2- Channel Intersection graph: [gridsize]_[number of nets].graph.mcf 1st line: Each subsequent line is one block. The numbers in parenthesis () are coordinates of the bottom-left and top-right corners of the block. *****************************************************************************************************