EIG vs. KL Partitioning (Paper 2-3 and 2-1)

Algorithm tutorial: EIG algorithm, KL algorithm

1. Coding Requirements

2. GUI Requirements

These snapshots should be added to your PPT.

3. Animation Requirements

4. Benchmark

You are to provide tables to report the metrics aforementioned for all these benchmark in your PPT.

5. Possible Extensions

L-Shaped vs. Borah Steiner Routing (Paper 6-1 and 6-3)

Algorithm tutorial: L-RST algorithm, Borah algorithm

1. Coding Requirements

2. GUI Requirements

These snapshots should be added to your PPT.

3. Animation Requirements

4. Benchmark

You are to provide tables to report the metrics aforementioned for all these benchmark in your PPT.

5. Possible Extensions

Multi-Commodity Flow Routing (Paper 7-2)

Algorithm tutorial: MCF algorithm

1. Coding Requirements

2. GUI Requirements

These snapshots should be added to your PPT.

3. Animation Requirements

4. Benchmark

You are to provide tables to report the metrics aforementioned for all these benchmark in your PPT.

5. Possible Extensions

YK Channel Routing (Paper 7-4)

Algorithm tutorial: constrained left-edge (CLE) algorithm, YK algorithm

1. Coding Requirements

2. GUI Requirements

These snapshots should be added to your PPT.

3. Animation Requirements

4. Benchmark

You are to provide tables to report the metrics aforementioned for all these benchmark in your PPT. Note that some circuits contain cycles in the VCGs, but they can be broken by adding doglegs at each terminal column.

5. Possible Extensions

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